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MIT Alumni News: Profile

Transforming veterans’ lives, one kidney transplant at a time

Reynold I. Lopez-Soler ’94

Reynold I. Lopez-Soler ’94

When Reynold I. Lopez-Soler ’94 saw his first kidney transplant, during his medical residency, he found his life’s work.

“It’s such a magical and incredible thing that you can do this,” says Lopez-Soler, director of the renal transplant program at the Edward Hines Jr. Veterans Affairs Hospital outside Chicago. “You’re watching this organ that was taken out [of the donor], practically lifeless and inert, and through the expertise of surgery it comes to life and becomes pink; it starts to make urine.”

About 100,000 people in the United States are currently waiting for a kidney transplant; on average, they will wait five to seven years. Lopez-Soler is expanding access to this care for veterans.

Kidney transplants are life-changing, he says, not only because kidney disease can make people very sick, but because the main treatment—dialysis, which does some of the kidney’s job outside the body—is so demanding that many patients can’t work or even travel. “Getting a kidney transplant not only fixes the problem, but fixes their lives going forward,” he says. “There is this substantial transformation.”

Growing up in Puerto Rico, Lopez-Soler always expected to become a surgeon (his father is a surgical oncologist). During high school, he discovered the MIT Introduction to Technology, Engineering, and Science (MITES) program, spent a summer on campus, and fell in love with the Institute. “MIT was an incredibly inclusive place,” he says. “Whatever you did, you were welcome. I’ve brought that acceptance with me in my ethos in how I deal with people.” 

After majoring in biology at MIT (with a minor in Spanish literature), Lopez-Soler earned his MD and PhD from Northwestern University and completed his surgical residency at Yale New Haven Hospital. Then he practiced in Virginia and New York, where he was director of research at Albany Medical Center.

In 2019, Lopez-Soler was tapped to establish the VA transplant program at Hines, and in its first year, it completed 36 kidney transplants. Last year, the center did 105. He now chairs the Department of Veterans Affairs Transplant Surgery Surgical Advisory Board, which helps develop transplant policies and procedures for the whole VA system. 

The grandson of a brigadier general, Lopez-Soler is proud to serve veterans. “I was lucky enough to fall in love with the job because of the people we treat,” he says. “It exposed me to these amazing veterans who have done so much for this country.”

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Illustration by Rose Wong

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